Apply to Supply
Apply to Supply is a clone of the Digital Marketplace for supplier onboarding for G-Cloud 13 and Digital Outcomes 6. It’s also known as ‘Digital Marketplace 1.5’ and ‘DMP-SO’.
Suppliers can apply to G-Cloud 13 and Digital Outcomes 6 on Apply to Supply. All activity for other frameworks continues to be on the Digital Marketplace.
Any non-buyer logins that worked in the Digital Marketplace before Digital Outcomes 6 opened will work in Apply to Supply.
CCS people can access non-public documentation including the design, runbook, migration, and more.
You need to repeat some processes in both the Digital Marketplace and Apply to Supply. For example, removing user data or adding new admins. Otherwise, support processes remain mostly the same.
The code all lives in private repositories in our GitHub organisation. They all have a common naming pattern, starting with ‘ccs-’. Ask another member of the team for access to the relevant GitHub team.
Apply to Supply has its own Jenkins, configured using Ansible.
Follow the same deployment process as for the Digital Marketplace. Just notify the #dmp-1-5-production Slack channel instead. Also, the pipeline doesn’t automatically deploy your changes to production once the staging tests have passed so you have an opportunity to test high-risk changes before they hit production.
Production is All other environments are https://www.<environment name>
Ask Internal IT for your login to the management account. You will be able to use that to switch roles to all our other AWS accounts.
TechOps have set up Terraform to manage the AWS accounts. Consult with them before making manual changes to any of the things covered by the Terraform.
Apply to Supply has a Cloud Watch Dashboard to monitor all environments.
We ship our logs to Cloud Watch. Ask Internal IT for access.