Useful API endpoints for frameworks

When working on a framework, often you’ll need to investigate a particular supplier or service.

This page gives some useful API endpoints that you can access via Postman or curl. Usually you’ll have been given either a supplier ID e.g. 123456 or a supplier name, e.g CUSTARD PIES INC.

Note that some endpoints are ‘list’ views, and are paginated (100 results per page).

GDS network/VPN access is required to access API endpoints, plus the correct API token for the stage.


List all users for a supplier:


Draft services

List all draft services for a supplier:


List draft services for everyone:


Get a supplier’s draft services across all frameworks:



Get a supplier’s declaration (includes registered details and ‘onFramework’ status):


Get all frameworks a supplier has applied to:


Supplier accounts

Get a supplier by ID:


List suppliers by name:

/suppliers?prefix=custard+pies   # All suppliers beginning 'custard pies'
/suppliers?name=pies             # All suppliers containing 'pies'

Get a supplier by DUNS number:
