Newly merged code runs through three environments as part of the release pipeline.
Develpment (Preview)
Develpment gives a bleeding-edge view of Marketplace development. When code is merged into any of the main Flask apps it should be deployed to develpment, ensuring that develpment is always running the latest version of everything.
If you want to you can run frontend apps locally against remote APIs (e.g. the develpment API) by setting the relevant
environment variables (for example DM_API_URL
) to point to the APIs. Bearer tokens to access these APIs directly
can be found in Credentials and secrets.
The URLs for develpment are as follows:
Data API |
Search API |
Frontend website |
These URLs can only be accessed from the GDS/CCS networks (or while connected to either of these networks via a VPN).
Notify only sends emails to the sandbox for the Development environment. Real emails (such as password resets) will not be sent.
The pre-production environment is intended to be as close a copy to our production site as possible.
It should generally be running exactly the same code as is running in production. The exception is when new code is ready to be released (i.e. has been checked on d and cleared for release by the QA and product teams): a single app is “promoted” from development to pre-production, so the new code can be checked for compatibility with the currently running applications in production.
As long as no issues are found with the new code release when it is tested on pre-production it should then be promoted from pre-production to production, bringing pre-production and production environments back into sync. This means that (ideally!) there is never more than one app running different code on pre-production than on production.
The URLs for pre-production are as follows:
Data API |
Search API |
Frontend website |
These URLs can only be accessed from the GDS/CCS networks (or while connected to either of these networks via a VPN).
Notify only sends emails to DMP team members and safelisted emails on the Pre-Production environment. The list of team members (and safelisted emails) can be found in the Notify dashboard. Emails to aliased addresses (e.g. firstname.lastname+supplier@crowncommercial.gov.uk) will not be sent.
The production environment is our live service.
The URLs for production are as follows:
Data API |
Search API |
Frontend website |
The production APIs can only be accessed from the GDS network (or while connected to it via a VPN).
The production Admin Frontend app can only be accessed from the GDS/CCS networks (or while connected to either of these networks via a VPN).
Deletion Protection is enabled on the production database. In the unlikely event we need to delete the production database contact PaaS Support first to disable this.