Digital Marketplace 1.5
It was decided for new iterations of G-Cloud and Digital Outcomes (from G-Cloud 13 and Digital Outcomes 6 onwards) that they would be run on a new platform. This platform is actually a clone of Digital Marketplace and is called Digital Marketplace 1.5 (or Apply to Supply). The original version of Digital Marketplace is called Digital Marketplace 1.0.
Below are the key differences between Digital Marketplace 1.5 and 1.0:
Digital Marketplace 1.5 repos all start with
There is no buyer functionality in Digital Marketplace 1.5 as this is now handled by the Contract Award Service (CAS). As a result there is not Briefs or Brief Responses frontend apps
There is an additional app called the Supplier API that is used by the Contract Award Service.
Because all the frameworks on Digital Marketplace 1.0 have now expired we no longer support that platform. This manual should now be considered as a reference primarily for Digital Marketplace 1.5. Not everything in the manual will still be relevant but will be kept in as it can still be useful.
For more information on the Apply to Supply, see Apply to Supply.